Magic of Chania

I arrived in Chania City two years ago today! I can't believe it's been that long!

As the saying goes, "Time flies when you're having fun," and that's certainly true for me. I love to travel and didn’t expect to stay in Chania City for as long as I have, considering my itchy feet! However, now it feels like this will be my forever home.

Stepping off the plane with my boyfriend, our cat, and all our belongings, we embarked on yet another adventure on June 7th, 2022!

The Chania airport is very small, making it super easy to grab your luggage and head into the city. We were exhausted after traveling from Malaga in Spain and enduring a long layover in Athens. All three of us (cat included) just wanted to crash! But how could we, when the drive from Chania airport into the city was so incredibly beautiful? We were running on endorphins. The drive takes only 15 to 20 minutes, and the entire time you’re driving along the coast, with stunning views of both mountains and sea. We were awestruck and couldn’t wait to explore the magic of Chania!

When we arrived in Chania City, we dropped our luggage, set up our cat with food and toys, and headed out to explore the Chania Harbor. Starving from our journey, we found a little restaurant along the harbor, directly across from the beautiful lighthouse. An older Greek man with a kind grin served us. When we told him it was our first day in Chania, he brought us two Big Alpha beers, tzatziki, pita, and a gigantic Greek salad (actually, a Cretan salad—always choose the Cretan salad if you can, it's much tastier with local myzithra cheese). We enjoyed the freshest food I've ever had. I’ve never been a tomato lover, but now I must eat them every day or I feel disappointed!

All fruit and vegetables in Chania are grown locally, and nearly every day of the week, you can get them from a farmer’s market. The biggest one is on Saturdays, starting super early in the morning and running until about 2 PM.

After our delicious lunch and beers, we decided to walk down to the lighthouse. It's such a beautiful walk, and when you reach the end, you can see the whole harbor. Just strolling around the harbor and old town in Chania is magical! As a painter and art lover, I was in my element, already thinking about what I could paint.

Before heading back to our Airbnb, we had a glass of wine at a charming restaurant along the harbor. We promised that this date (our first day in Chania) would become our annual spot. Every year, we’ll return to this particular restaurant, have a glass of wine, and take a photo to remember the feeling of when we first arrived here!

So here we are today, two years later, saying Cheers / Yamas to everyone here!

First day in Chania City, I think you only need to do four essential things, the rest can be left for another day!

1) Walk around the harbor

2)Admire the beautiful lighthouse

3) Eat the Fresh local food

4) Get a drink and say “Yamas”!


Manousakis Winery